Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Avalanche Safety Reprise
I finished my Avalanche Awareness course. Three Mondays at REI, and a field trip to Steven's Pass. The field class was pretty uneventful, which in a way is good. I learned lots of things. One is that finding a beacon buried a few inches under the snow is not the same as locating a beacon three feet or more under the snow. Another is that I need to replace my probe with one of a better quality. I got a BCA Probe that came free with my shovel and it just isn't very good. At one point during a rescue scenario I was asked to help probe for the victim and I failed to secure it tightly causing it to collapse. Having your probe collapse is kind of embarrassing.
Also I found that a number of people don't take a scenario like that seriously. The scenario is that three victims have been buried in an avalanche and you are being asked to help locate and recover the bodies (hopefully alive.) Those that are involved often make jokes, they over act, they don't just simply behave with the seriousness that is required for such a topic. I don't get that. I mean to have fun and all, but if I ever have to dig someone out of an avalanche, I want to know that I can do it -- even if/when I'm totally freaked out. And of course, I want to know if I'm caught in one and need to be dug out that those I'm with take it seriously and know what to do as well.
I didn't take any pictures. It was a beautiful day but I was just more busy playing and learning than I realized. And the guide/instructor did tell us to bring a camera if we wanted. Oh well, I will be sure to take some pictures the next time I'm out on the snow.
I'm leaving for Denver late Friday evening and hoping to arrive late Saturday or early Sunday. And then I'm sure it will be one activity after the next. I'll be sure to put up additional updates.
Happy Holidays everyone!
Friday, December 11, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Stay with Me!
Today -- I was reviewing some other bloggers and their take on "fear." In particular the fear that comes with climbing, but I'm actually looking at fear from a different prospective. For me, in this case, it isn't limited to climbing.
I have been self employed for less than a year. I've been hanging on, and sticking to my work. However, some days the fear sets in and with that fear -- immobility. My brain doesn't get it, but my body instinctively wants to remain unmoved. My brain is saying... "You can do it!" "Go, Chris, Go!" "You've done harder, this will be a breeze." My body shudders a bit and finds a snuggle with my dog, or desires to crawl back into bed, or puts on the tube to distract from my brains encouragement.
Even now, I sit and write this blog instead of taking on my project. My project is laid out before me. I will write though, entrench my brain on the task of not just understanding this fear, but what path I should use to overcome it.
My project remains unattended.
I sit here now the only problem before me... I can only go forward. So you're wondering, why aren't you working on your project and instead writing a blog? Two reasons a) I haven't done a blog update in a long time(yes I get the irony,) and 2) in my head, I'm standing midway up the first pitch of Ewephoric on the Sheeps Head in Cochise.
I yelled down to my climbing partner Brigette, "I don't think I can do this." She didn't respond. Or maybe she did. I don't recall. I plugged a piece of gear into the wall, this wide smooth handholdless monster. I stood there for a long time. I had a conversation with my self.
selfdoubt: "Downclimb?"
me: "No."
selfdoubt: "You only have one other choice, you get that don't you?"
me: "No, I have two other choices."
selfdoubt: "Two other choices? Really? Besides going down? You're so full of shit."
me: "Yes, two other choices besides going down. I can go up, that would be a good choice. Or I can also just stand here until a rescue party comes."
selfdoubt: "Dumbass."
me: "So how do you think I should go up then?"
selfdoubt: "You're probably right, just stand there until the rescue party comes."
me: "Great. Well, I can at least move up to that ledge there."
selfdoubt: "Then what, you can see there is no way to protect there."
me: "Well, I'll just take the next obvious step."
selfdoubt: "Dumbass."
I moved up the rock. A scene from Gladiator moved through my head and I hear the words of Maximus: "Three weeks from now...Imagine where you will be, and it will be so. Hold the line! Stay with me! If you find yourself alone, riding in the green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled. For you are in Elysium, and you're already dead!"
In the movie the soldiers all laugh. I didn't laugh, I was already alone. I had moved up to that next ledge, and recalled that the party before us had another piece in the rock above me before reaching the one bolt on the entire first pitch. I didn't like the way that looked. I stepped out of the runnel crack thing I was in, and just slab face climbed my way to the bolt. A good choice in hindsight, but scary. I reached the bolt, clipped, the climb was pretty much over... one pitch down, only four pitches to go. And no, I won't tell you how far it was from my last gear placement to the bolt.
I know how to conquer my fear. The problem isn't conquering it. The problem is I'm not ready for Elysium. It is easy to step out and let the current carry you. You might get bumped along the way, scrapped up, maybe even broken a bit. Those who don't let go will cheer you and give you hero status or poo-poo you because they didn't have the courage. They will call you mentor, roll model, inspiration, crazy, moron, idiot. How brave of you! How stupid! And yet, all you did was let go in the moment, and let it wash over you. Somehow even when I embrace that fear and accept immobility I eventually let go. Okay, I don't know how to conquer my fear, I just accept it.
I'm encouraged to move; be physical. This morning I woke with my dog to let her water the grass and then filled her tummy with breakfast. Often I choose to crawl back into my warm sheets and sleep another 15 or 30 minutes, an hour. I started washing the dishes. Be mobile. I can do that; that isn't what is holding me back. I can do the physical. This is emotional. This is mental. I have the means, I'm intelligent, I have the plan, I have the resources, I have everything I need. And somehow I am fighting against this immobility, I fight against Elysium.
That's the story... I guess it is time to let go. I'll let you know how it turns out.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
My Review of Black Diamond Method Randonee Boots - Men's

These stiff Method freeride boots from Black Diamond are for the aggressive skier and built to take them over any and all terrain.
First boot in 14 years.
Gift: No
Pros: Flexible, Stable, Lightweight
Best Uses: Downhill, Deep Powder, Back Country
Describe Yourself: Advanced
This is the first boot I have purchased in 14 years. I got them last year and used them for several days of touring. They were fantastic. I didn't have any physical pain or problems with these boots. I even hiked two miles in them back to the car and while glad to take them off at the end of a day, they were fantastic.
Love, love, love my Methods
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Bedtime Stories
S: Hiya, still there?
me: Yep, for a little bit longer. Aren't you suppose to be asleep?
S: That was the plan... can't sleep, wide awake, tell me a bedtime story. "Christopher's Travels"
me: Okay.
We left Reno behind. The temps were scraping the 100 degree mark
S: I thought you left Seattle behind?
me: Hey... this is my story...
S: Sorry...carry on.
me: The trunk was packed for an over night in the High Sierra's. The windows down, the warm air swarmed through the car... It was Hot. Damn Hot. We stopped in Carson City (That's the capital of Nevada, in case you didn't know) and got gas, and a slushy to help cool off. Then we started our ascent into the mountains around Lake Tahoe. The drive is only 70 miles from Reno, but it takes a couple hours with all the traffic lights... and a celebrity golf match.
We stopped at a hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurant filled with the local Latino residents in South Lake Tahoe. The food was delicious. We'd be sure to stop again on the way home. Our bellies full of good eats, we continued to Strawberry. The air already cooling, the view along the winding road awes as you approach Lover's Leap. The rock is begging for your attention. We took a left at Strawberry Lodge and went to the camp ground at Lover's Leap. At 7000 feet, it was still in the 90 degree range... the campsites were full and the river looked refreshing. We could look for a place to sleep later.
We stripped to our suits and went for a swim in the refreshing water. After an hour of swimming and sunning we decided to check out the lodge. We were unsure where we'd lay our heads but we found we would have options. And there is an ice cream shop.
The dinning room closed at 8:30, the bar at 10:30. Ice cream sounded good. Three cones, rockie road, strawberry, and almond praline. That would suffice us for our climb... We wanted to climb. We needed to climb. 5:40 PM we racked up and made our way to The Line. A classic 5.9 crack that you could see from the anywhere you could see Lover's Leap. Simply described as "The best climb of its grade, anywhere."
Yep, that's the plan. Jeff took the first lead, Sarah followed, then me.
S: This sounds like a blog.
me: I'm telling you a bedtime story here.
The sun was still blazing hot even as six o'clock ticked past. Jeff flaked the rope and racked up. I put on my harness and bouldered the lower part of the climb. Sarah offered the first lead up to me. "No, thanks. Looks a bit stiff, and the first moves are unprotected for a bit." I put Jeff on belay, we did our checks. Locked my biner and Jeff set off on lead. To me, he moved quickly. Jeff would say he moved slow. We all ticked off the first pitch.
The first pitch was amazing... at one point I yelled "Falling!" as my hands slipped down the rock, my feet perched well and my butt pushing me desperately off the wall. I hooked my finger onto a small edge and got my balance. I should have been dropping but I didn't. I found nice ledge, and took a short break to breath. Sweat soaked my shirt and my face. The pack on my back with water, shoes and other bits was feeling heavy. For the moment, I was wishing we'd left it on the ground. But starting as late as we were, we knew the walk off would be dark.
I continued on, until I was just below Sarah. Sarah wanted the next lead. This should have been a two pitch climb. Sarah climbed until she ran out of slings and had few gear placements left. Getting your lead head on is hard enough with all the gear but when you have to choose to run-out your pitch that takes even more courage. Sarah chose safety and I was grateful for her decision. Ten more minutes and the sun will drop behind the hills. Jeff told Sarah, "We're not going to make dinner at the lodge."
Jeff seconded her climb cleaning the gear and then finished the final 20 meters... With the sun set behind the hills darkness was soon to follow. Jeff cleared the roof and Sarah followed Jeff's final moves. She had just enough day light to see the holds. The plan was to finish the climb in the light and I would climb in the dark from the first pitch. I did after all have the backpack.
Still at the first pitch, the sun set, and my nerves starting to get the better of me, I took a deep breath with eyes closed and calmed myself. I clipped the backpack to a sling on my shoulders to secure it as I removed it and brought it around to my front. Careful to not let anything fall out, I pulled out my headlamp. I removed my helmet, and placed the headlamp on my head. Put the helmet back on. Hit the headlamp power button -- No light.
Mother [bleep]er! This thing is brand new! My headlamp was dead. Maybe it drained the batteries... Son-of-a-... I took off my helmet and the headlamp and returned it to the pack.
S: (sitting on the edge of my seat) What did you do, Chris?
me: I'm getting there... now shut up. I'm making this up as I go you know? Well, I'm writing it up as best I remember, but as I go... you put me on the spot.
Jeff also brought a headlamp. I put it at the bottom of the backpack. Crap. Three pairs of shoes, water, shirts, and "knickknacks" at the bottom of it all. I carefully dug my way to the bottom until I felt what I thought was the "knickknacks." Nope, that was a shirt, try again. Finally, the sack with Jeff's headlamp. This one was much bigger than mine. This one fit over my helmet, so I put the helmet back on, and the headlamp over the helmet.
I hit the power button -- Da-Dah-DA, I had light.
"Chris, On Belay!"
S: Yay!
me: Hey, this story is suppose to put you to sleep... now shut up.
I started to clear the anchor. Jeff pulled the rope taut. "Chris, Climb when Ready!" Jeff called.
I called back "Jeff, Climbing!"
The headlamp was my only source of light. There was no moon tonight. Every handhold, every foot placement required me to shine the light where I hoped to secure myself to the wall. This is an exercise we do in the gym sometimes only not in the dark. I was scared, but I felt safe. I actually cruised up the first 30 meters the headlamp highlighting the chaulked holds.
Only 25 meters to go. The holds became limited. The climb had moved to technical slab climbing with a few pin scars that my finger tips could use to balance me along the way.
And then, the roof. I had watched both Jeff and Sarah clear the roof. They are stronger more experienced climbers than me, and I was feeling nervous. They both had to work their way through thin fingers over the lip.
I moved in, under the rock, the light scanning for the good holds. I found an undercling for my right hand, and I walked my feet up as high as I could. I could see the chaulk that had been left behind in a side pull edge, and I didn't like it. Thin. Shallow. Mossy?
I wasn't sure how I would make it through this roof in the dark by headlamp and then I moved my hand up higher past this ugly hold. It looked like I could actually get my hand to the top with big nice hold.
Sure enough it was huge. I could have done handstands on it. With my left hand on this hold, I let my right go from the undercling and matched it on the ledge. I cake walked the roof.
me: The climb was done, 10 feet and I was hugging my climbing partners. Feeling happy and elated. We put on our shoes and packed up the rope and other gear. It was now time to get down the mountain.
My headlamp wasn't working... so three people had to walk down to light I was holding. We moved swiftly but cautiously, the rocks and roots could easily cause a problem. Shadows made it difficult to see, so Jeff led, I was second (with the light) and Sarah was behind me.
I would look back to light Sarah's way on occasion and as we started to clear to a smooth path, Sarah tripped.
She rolled her ankle.
We all paused.
Sarah's face told us she was hurt. Tears were on the edge of her eyes. Jeff moved in to protect his girl.
And Sarah stood up.
She would be able to walk. Our pace slowed but was uneventful to the base. We missed the parking lot and ended up in someone's camp. Sarah was hurt so she and Jeff decided we'd grab a room at the Lodge. The room was small... a queen and a twin.
I got the twin.
S: lol
me: Sarah didn't sleep well. I woke to her and Jeff discussing what they could do to make her feel better. Ice, Advil? The foot hadn't swollen at all, but the pain was keeping her awake. We were worried it had broke. The pain caused Sarah to be nauseous and she went in to sleep on the bathroom tile. Did I mention our room didn't have a bathroom so we had a shared bathroom? Yep... Small room.
Jeff had things under control, so I went back to sleep, the zzz's wander through our climb.
Morning came, and I bought breakfast. We dropped Sarah off at the river where she soaked her foot in the cooling waters. Jeff and I headed to the Haystack. A beautiful 5.7. I would get to lead the first pitch this time.
Hold on... I need a moment... it's a long story.
S: Very dramatic
me: I'm good. Okay... here we go.
There were two parties on the wall. The young girl was just leaving the ground as we approached. We chatted a bit and noted that her shoes were clearly too big. She'd left her shoes and borrowed a pair of Katana's from a random guy. I guess he had a rest day.
We said hellos, and she started to climb. Jeff and I farted around until we saw her reach her leader. I racked up, tied in, and did the usual checks. I started the climb feeling confident and moved fairly swiftly. I hit a snag at one point and struggled to get a good placement. I thought I found a better spot so removed the gear, tested the new spot, it was bad, put the placement back in the original spot. I was being stupid.
I continued on. I reached the first ledge, and there was the girl waiting for her lead to start the belay for her. I plugged a piece in to hold me until she cleared the ledge. We chatted a bit. She offered me some water. Her name is Courtney, and with the pressure of people following she decided to not clear a piece of gear. I told her we'd clear it and return it to her at the next ledge. I didn't get my water.
I used the left behind gear and built my anchor to bring Jeff up. He cleared my gear. When he reached me I asked, "How'd I do?"
Jeff said "Well, you pretty much free solo'd that climb."
"Your first four placements were good, but then the next four came out and if you fell, it would have been one hell of a whipper."
S: free solo'd?
me: My confidence was shook... Yeah, free soloing is climbing unprotected, the basic idea is that if I fell I would have taken a very long fall as each of my pieces would have come out of the wall. Not my idea of a good time.
S: Shook because of your placements?
me: Yes.
S: ah
me: Shall I continue?
S: Yes, Pleas do.
me: Thank you.
My gear placements were bad, and Jeff must have thought I was a total idiot and wondered if my anchor was stable. He checked it and was assured it was good, I knew it was because I had replaced the gear Courtney pulled with the same pieces from my rack. Jeff and I swapped the lead and he took Courtney her gear that she left behind.
The second pitch was a good one not to have to be on lead. The roof was intimidating. When I got there, it was not easy either... but the placements were good and I would make it through without much effort. Except what was caused in my head.
I got to Jeff and we laughed that Courtney had to leave another piece behind. Jeff said, "You take this lead." It wasn't a request. He handed me the gear to return, and I racked up the gear.
I was feeling nervous, but as I climbed I decided, "I can take my time, no one is following us, and I can do this." Jeff just nodded to my obvious commentary to myself.
I started my climb. I continued up, and HOLY SHIT IS THAT A SECOND ROOF? I swore. Lots. I've never led through a roof. I swore some more. Lots more.
I continued up until I got to the roof. I placed my gear in the crack, stemmed out to the opposing face, placed my hand thumb down into the crack over the edge, swung my left leg over the edge, and rolled up.
I did it!
I [bleep]ing did it!
And then I walked the remaining way to the top where Billy, Courtney's boyfriend checked over my anchor (I knew it was bomber) because I asked... Just to ensure I wasn't being a dumbass and over confident.
S: I knew you could!
me: Jeff followed up and told me, "You're placements were perfect. Nice job."
S: redeemed
me: I gave Courtney back her gear, and she gave me some water. And back down the mountain again, though much easier in the daylight.
The day got scorching so Jeff and I decided to head back to the river. I ran up to the base of our climb to retrieve the last of our gear. A marmot destroyed my backpack for sunscreen... I loved that pack. This time REI wasn't going to replace it for me. Stupid marmot also ruined my favorite sun screen and that wasn't even in the zippered pocket! Grrr.
We met up with Sarah who had just enough of the river and was starting to get hungry so we headed back to Reno, stopping at our new favorite mexican restaurant before making the final trek. The warmth of the drive home put me to sleep. Reno was still too hot. We grabbed cheap chinese and a movie...
S: How was your movie karma this time?
me: Oh, we rented a movie. I did see the new Harry Potter in the theater and it was good... though people are still retarded in theaters.
All was happy, and we slept in... except for Jeff who had to catch a plane to Seattle for work.
me: My sister just told me that she's in a middle of a tornado warning. I only have a little bit of juice left in my laptop bat.
S: I was gonna tell you about that, but you were telling your story. Hail, high winds, tons of rain. They just cancelled the warning here in Denver
me: Curious. Okay... gotta go... sleep well.
S: Okay, thanks for the story gnight.
me: g'night.
Headlamp update. Turns out that the batteries were still good. For some unknown reason once the back was closed on that particular headlamp it stopped working. Thank you REI for making that return so very easy.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Making it on my own
Feeling a bit jealous that I only worked 43 hours? Don't be. This is part of me making it on my own. I have made a decision to pare down my life so I have more hours to enjoy it. I make a lot less money, I am dependent on myself, I pay my own medical insurances... I worry still about the next day, week, and month will bring.
Wait! Maybe you should be jealous. As my own business owner I have made my own company policies. #1 I will never take advantage of another person whether they are my employee, or my client. #2 I will never let an employee or client take advantage of me. If I don't like the conditions, I get to change them. I can, and need to be reasonable, of course. Yet -- my choices impact me directly. I don't live on the whim of someone who has been made my "boss" and doesn't really have the leadership skills, or personal skills in the first place. On top of that, I get to also make my own Holiday schedule. I get all the banking holidays off. Unless I want to work them. I take the two weeks around the Christmas Holiday off -- does any work really get done at this time? I also decided I get four additional weeks off during the year. The plan -- take a full month off each year (we'll see how that works out.)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
My weekend started with a Wedding. I actually wasn't invited to the wedding. I was invited to the reception though, and really that is where all the fun is to be had. I was glad to be in attendance. Of course, it was also a bit awkward. Just a year ago my marriage ended, and here my good friend is moving her relationship to the next obvious step. I cannot help but feel a little self pity. My horoscope for Friday said to end it with a romantic kiss. I didn't think it ended with a romantic kiss until someone pointed out "Not for you anyway, but certainly for the bride and groom." All in all, I did get to dance with the bride-- What a great way to start a weekend!
Saturday morning, I casually got out of bed, finished packing the car with my gear and picked up Mack in Silverdale. Mack has become one of my regulars to be outside with and this has been great for moving up my experiences. We left and met up with Jay, a really nice new addition to the crew. Also, he gets props for stamina and solid skiing technique.
We arrived at the base of Mount Adams about 4:30 PM and unloaded the gear to packed up for the hike to 5,600 feet. Only a 1,400 foot gain the first day, but it would give us an easy start right from the tree line, and we wouldn't have to wake up early.
With Mack's Jetboil we heated water and I realized that dehydrated noodles were not enough to sustain. I was the noobie out there and was okay with it. I had water, and cliff bars, and I had a place to sleep warm through the night. I'd be okay. Still, I was thinking that I should have carried more meal like food. I was even offered extras from my cohorts, but I guess I would learn this lesson the hard way.
I was the first to crash out, and there was some talk about pictures of the full moon. The next thing I knew Mack's alarm was going off. The mountain was warm, and I didn't fret about getting dressed. Of course, I did sleep in enough clothing that I was plenty warm. I love my bivy... so nice.
Oatmeal and a Luna bar for breakfast, chugged some tea, and back to skinning up the hill. It became apparent I was going to be the slow one in the group. I trudged along and the thin air took its toll from my body. Mack had ski crampons and so zipped through the frozen crust seemingly without effort. Jay and I got to the first steep slope and when I saw Jay sit to put boot crampons on, I did the same. I was clumbsy, and without technique but I managed and made my first steps up the slope.
At first, it wasn't a big deal, I took one step at a time. Then I hit the steep stuff. It looked like a shear wall too me. It was probably 65 degrees, maybe more steep. I eventually caught up and Mack who already had 45 minutes to rest. He was ready to go again. I trudged along, and soon realized I was going to have to let these guys go ahead, and I would make my way up alone. I would go for Piker's Peak, and they would make the Adam's summit.
Mack and Jay waited for me a second time at the Lunch Table. There questions were thrown at me. Did I have a headache, was I gasping for breath, was I dizzy? No. Kind of, but not really. No. I found that I could take five or ten steps but then I had to rest. That was my progress. I kept going. At this rest, I pushed down a Cliff bar and a sandwich, drank lots of water, put on sunscreen, and decided my skis were to heavy to carry any further. The sun had softened the snow crust just enough that walking in crampons was becoming difficult and the slope was low enough that I could skin again. I made the swap and started to move much quicker up the hill. Mack and Jay were long gone, and I couldn't identify them among the others on the hill.
The last 2K to Piker's Peak seemed very long. The clouds moved in, and visibility was very limited. Rocks on the left and right. It made sense to traverse between those points and keep going up. At one point I saw another guy putting his skis on to take an early ride home. I was tempted to do the same. I kept taking my steps forward. In the clouds people were glissading down from the Piker's and I wouldn't see them until they were just a short bit away. Apparently, Piker's Peak is were most people stopped. Only a handful of people would make the final ascent to Adams Summit. More temptation to send me back down the mountain.
The sun broke and showed My summit to me. Or maybe I just ascended high enough to be above the clouds? It looked so far, and so steep. A rock pile along the way would be my goal. And then another pile of rocks would be the next goal. I continued my traverse on skins until my progress was hindered by the step forward slide down. I plunked my butt into the hill side, and put the crampons back on. My left leg cramped up -- that glissade line was just right there, it would have been so easy to just ride it down.
With my skis on my back, my poles in hand, and crampons on my boots I turned into the hill. I took a big kick, probably with more energy than I had to spare, plunging my toe into the face I was about to climb. Nineteen more times and then I could rest. I would make it my goal to take twenty steps at a time straight up the hill before I could rest.
My guess, I had 300 more steps which meant 15 points I could rest. The sun warmed me enough that I found energy to keep going. People would glissade past me or ski past and say things like "It's worth the pain, you're so close" and "Sweet turns ahead!" All I could do was think about the runners wall. You know where you try to move forward but your body rejects your mental request? I would struggle to actually lift my foot at times. Sweat was freezing in my beanie, and my breath was crystalizing on my glasses. I would agree to rest a little bit longer but I wasn't going to compromise the twenty step goal.
I finally go to that point were you can feel the slope decrease and the walking becomes easy. I think I started to hurry and found that I was there. Or at least, I was at my "there." I would go no further up this mountain. I dropped my pack, pulled off my beanie, loosened my boots, pulled out the puffy to keep what little warmth I had gained, and found a nice rock to lounge in until Mack and Jay would return from the Summit.
I wasn't there more than ten minutes when I ran out of water, and all my food was gone. I watched a guy ski off the summit to another point fifty yards away. I finally realized it was Mack. I waved, and he yelled back to confirm he saw me. I had my feet up relaxing, my knee throbbing. Mack would have to walk back to me. Or he'd have to wait until my body would agree with my brain to get up and move again.
I was glad Mack had arrived so soon, I took some of his water, and some Shot Blocks -- Oh so refreshing! And I took a VitD and two Aleve for my knee. We chatted for a good 30 or 40 minutes before Jay would show up. Jay ate his lunch at the Summit after laying out on his sleeping pad that he carried the whole way.
Jay would take a picture of each of us at Piker's, and then we made our way back down the hill. We'd also gain a forth to our crew, Michael, who just days before had summitted and skied down Mt. Rainier. Our turns were swift, and it was probably 40 minutes of skiing before we got back to camp. The fog along the way was trouble, and we managed to even separate and find our way back together. Michael would leave us to continue down the hill while we rested and packed up our camp. Mack made some tea and we did the final pickup of our things.
Packs full we did the final 1400 feet pretty quickly. I'm not sure how I did it, my legs were so tired, my knee ached. My body just floated through the turns paid out before me. And then dirt. Jay would put his tennies back on and haul his boots and skis on his pack. I decided the pack was heavy enough without my boots, and I think it was a smart choice for me. I made the final trek to the car pretty quickly, and found Mack changing into other clothing. I unlocked the car, and started to remove all the wet stinky clothing. And when Jay arrived -- BEER!
Hydrated, and some gushers to take the edge off it was time to go home. Our trip a success. I had done my first true alpine ascent of a mountain. I didn't make the Summit, but now I have something to look forward to achieving. I did climb from 4,200 feet to 11,600 feet. What an amazing feeling. I want to jump up and brag, even though I know so many people went further, and so many people have achieved the same goal. Oh wait, that is what this blog is about... bragging and to remind me of why I'm doing all of it.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Snow Country for Old Men

5:50 AM
6:30 AM
7:00 AM
Watch Off
Skis On
Back Bowl
3:20 PM
4:20 PM
More to come...
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
That's a Problem
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Quick Hit -- Thank you, Access Fund!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Climbing @ Frenchman Coulee
Tuesday, instead of working, I headed out to Eastern Washington with my friend Laura for a day of climbing. The weather looked horrible. I woke early and made my way to Seattle, the rain was dumping and the thought to carry my ski gear didn't cross my mind. I wanted to climb. I'm going to climb!
I got to Laura's about 7 o'clock and we moved my gear to her car. She made me a quick egg salad sandwich and we were on our way. We didn't even put on music as we talked the whole way across the mountains. The rain didn't stop until about Ellensburg where we could finally see some blue sky breaking through the clouds. Chances of climbing didn't look good but we were still optimistic.
When we arrived we could see the ground was still wet and the rock was not the driest it could be. Oh well, what are are you going to do, the sun is out... lets chill in the rays and wait for the walls to dry. In the camp ground below, an all girls school was on a field trip learning to be empowered... I guess. Lots of squawking for certain. Sorry, I shouldn't make fun of young impressionable girls... yep, lots of squawking.
We talked with a few of their guides and counselors. An amazing group of women... these young girls were in very good hands. They scoped out plans to take over the Feathers climbing area, so we planned to get up a few routes before they finished their belay safety.
The sun dried a couple of routes pretty quickly, so I was on lead for the day. Laura is a more experienced climber than me, but she's been injured and her head isn't ready to take on that challenge... yet. I can feel her just waiting to take the sharp end though.
We started a few short and easy warm up runs. Surprisingly, it wasn't so easy. I sagged the first lead, but I decided to go back and re-climb it clean. It was my first lead since October of last year. I hadn't even lead in the gym since then. I guess it is time to get a gym rope and start practicing. Aside my lack of leading skill, the sun was warming our backs and the walls were drying out more. I sagged a lot this day, but I never totally freaked out and never was out of my skill range. I need to get my head focused for a longer climb. I'll take the sags though. Some would say it wasn't a good climb... I say it was 5.FUN! (Yeah, Laura, I stole that from you...)
Eventually, after a few climbs each and a snack, we made our way over to Sunshine wall. The sun became less pronounced and more clouded. You can see from the picture that the sun was cloud dodging most of the day. At Sunshine Wall we mostly scoped out the climbs and got in one more long pitch up Clip'em or Skip'em. It was probably the hardest 5.8 I have ever done. Not because it wasn't a 5.8, but the bolt placements sucked. Seriously, if I were a braver man, I would have skipped a few bolts. And the top out was naked... I was able to balance my way up, but it was still difficult. Laura thinks she found the hold that I missed that was bomber, and I just made it harder than it needed to be... Big surprise there. Where are my taped holds? Way too much time in the gym.
Back at the car I decided to make a little video. At the Frenchmen Coulee climbing area there are a couple of sani-cans or port-a-potty (what ever you want to call them) with a long history of neglect and abuse. On our visit the cans were in no condition to be used. They clearly hadn't been serviced in a very long time, and had become a place to dump garbage. These cans come as a courtesy of the Access Fund. Or so I am lead to believe. I apologize if I am mistaken and will gladly make a correction both here and in the video below. However, I feel it must be addressed in some form. First, if these cans are provided from any of our beloved climbing communities that we all rely on to help make climbing available, it is important for them to leave a good impression. These toilets are disgusting. Second, if these toilets were once provided as a service and are no longer... it is unacceptable to leave them unattended in the climbing and camping area. Have I mentioned that these toilets are disgusting? Third, and finally, I'm not here to abuse my beloved Access Fund as I love my t-shirt, and other gear they provided when I was given this a gift a couple years ago, and I continue to maintain my membership. I love what you provide, inspire, and help make available. Someone -- PLEASE -- prove me wrong. This is just sad.
[ The Video was removed, and so were these port-a-potties. Thank you to whomever responded and made the change! ]
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Hurricane Ridge
I woke up at 6:00 AM and printed out a avalanche report, left it on the printer and started to get ready to leave. At 7 o'clock I watch my ride drive past my house. He'd figure out soon enough that he'd have to turn back around. Mack had been here before, turns out that he was still waking up and had missed a couple of turns already along the way. I went out to the road to flag him down, my gear in the driveway, so we could get on our way. Loading up took just a minute, and the drive was quiet.
I poured Mack some coffee he brought in a thermos, and watched out the windows at the white peaks I wanted to drop into and ski. Somewhere before Port Angeles and after Sequim we stopped at an organic grocery store, I picked up a Naked Green Machine to start my morning. Mack grabbed some veggie sandwich, and I took over driving for a short bit.
We arrived and got the prime parking spot. We went into the lodge to sign in for the day, an use the facilities. Got our boots on, backpacks prepped, and transceivers strapped on.
We walked over to the trail and tested the equipment. I skied past Mac, then he skied past me. The transceivers worked. Down the trail we made a few easy turns. A nice opening in the trees -- we turned off the trail. We headed into the trees. Mac first made some turns and came out to a flat area. I cut my turns and followed into the trees. I told Mac on the way up, I don't fall. You know that is a sign your going to fall. We hit our next hill, and Mac took a small spill but was up right away. I followed a similar path and turn over into the snow. Pillow fight! I stepped out of my ski. It didn't take long to get the ski back on and catch up to Mac.
We grabbed a quick bite, and tested out the transceivers by burying them in the snow and locating them each in turn. A pretty simple process really. I would hate to have to actually find someone buried though. We put the skins on and made our back up the hill. The initial trekking wasn't too bad, but getting through all the branches wasn't easy. There were a few areas that even the skins wouldn't keep you from sliding backwards.
As we approached the top of Steep & Icy we started a dug out for some avalanche testing. Mack started while I peeled his orange and took a few more pictures of the surrounding areas. Okay, Mack did all the work. I simply took pictures and was learning about how it all worked.
We did some avalanche tests to which it was concluded that on the NNE slope at 30 degrees we had CT21Q2 at about 9". We saw natural slab and point-release mischief on the 45 degree slope. A couple skied past us down the lovely face. I trampled the dugout to prevent someone skiing into it.
We made our path back to the car for lunch. Again, Mack cruised and even with twenty years on me, he put me to shame. At one point I looked up to see him giving a young asian boy some tips for cross country skiing. Clearly the kid was having some first time fun. The trail was full of people walking out for the views. Many people were snowshoeing and cross country skiing. We ran into a few people along the way that Mack knew. We even saw a small group putting up an igloo and preparing for a night in the snow. Look forward to doing that myself one of these days.
At the lodge we snacked more; I had a Zing Bar. This bar was amazing! I bought it on accident but what a treat. I highly recommend giving these a try. But enough of the plugs for my favorite foods to eat on the trail. I filled up the water jug and looked forward to some additional runs.
We decided to do some last runs on the Lodge Run.
It was a short run of maybe 340 feet. The view was truly beautiful. On one side Cascades and on the other, the Pacific. We did this run a couple of times. I was so slow behind Mack on the trek up after the last run, when I got to the top and asked him if he'd had enough time to have a beer and sober up already?
We packed up and began the drive home. Mack had a swank party to attend, and we had to be back by 5 o'clock. All in all, the trip was a great success. Mack invited me to join him again which I took to be a great compliment. It was a short day and we had lots of fun, but not as many runs as I would have liked. Then again for $12 in gas money you cannot do much better.
What a great day to be in the snow. And now it is raining... bring on the snow!
Friday, February 20, 2009
The Anticipation.
Tomorrow morning, I head up to Hurricane Ridge. Got my shovel, probe, pack, boots, poles, skis and skins... Do I need an avalung? Nah, I'm already borrowing a transceiver. Heard the snow is great. The Ridge just got a another dump of snow. At a mile up I can wave to Mom and family in Denver. Hope I don't freeze... Layer, layer, layer.
No, I won't forget the camera. This time the battery is charged... I better go double check that. I hear the views are great. I cannot remember the last time I was at the Ridge... I don't think I have ever skied there... though it is hard to say. Anyway I look at it, the adventure will be something to remember.
The crew tomorrow all have much more recent backcountry skiing, so we are going to play in the snow pack and do some avalanche tests, and practice with the transceivers. And then it is all skiing. For me, skinning up is a lot like racking up for a climb. There is an anticipation and excitement, a bit of self consciousness, a bit of fear, and a touch of self doubt too. The funny thing about all those things, I know that ultimately I will come out alright. It isn't about an adrenaline rush for me. It is about that moment when my tunes fad from my awareness, and my heartbeat picks up, my thoughts clear and I think about the next turn, the next hold, the next breath. Yeah, I too sometimes forget to breath.
I couldn't sit at the table all day, so I met up with my friend for some gym climbing. The gym has some pretty good climbs up lately. The only problem... I've been training so much that I'm basically repeating the same climbs. It is okay... I'm having fun. I'm smiling. I need to go to bed... Got to get up early. I'll be back here soon with some pictures and a trip report. If you want hear about it.
G'night, and sweet dreams of your next adventure!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Bends it like Beckham
I had to look twice, I was in a bit of shock really. No skill, pure luck. It felt fantastic! My regular team cheered me. Dave was the one tell me to to shoot. That just cracks me up. It was all too cool. And my temporary team was pretty excited with the score as well. The rest of the game was probably the best game I had ever played. As I tired, I started playing defense. This I seemed to do well at too. All the fancy foot work of the more skilled players didn't distract me from ruining the shot on our goal. Dave said I set a new bar and now he expects me to play that good all the time. I guess I better go buy some new shoes... I'm still playing in my street shoes.
I would have never guessed I would like all the running. I used to joke, if you see me running don't wait to find out why. Generally, I don't like to run, but soccer has kind of changed that. Running down the valley feels pretty good. The quads are a bit sore but it doesn't hurt as much, and my knees seem to be doing really well. Maybe all that yoga is paying off.
The days are warming, so got to get my last few ski runs in, and prep for the climbing season. Been in the gym more and have found that the lost of some 25 pounds has made climbing the harder stuff much easier. That is always a bit exciting but I don't want to be a numbers guy. I'd rather climb something easy and have lots of fun than be the best climber. Maybe that is why soccer has been so much fun. We are a bunch of desk jocks and we are all out there to have a good time.
I can hardly wait for the next soccer season to start and this one is not even over yet.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Moving into Life

In the meantime I'm trying to figure out how to make balance of the situation. This weekend was not balanced. It was pure fun and good times. Last Friday, I met up with someone I hadn't seen in 27 years. We had a blast with good conversation, lots of laughs, and a few really bad jokes. The story of Tara and I is kind of weird because quite frankly, I don't remember her. I am glad though to have established a connection with her. She's an amazing person... I like having those type of people around me.
I followed up Friday with Wine Night. A group of friends get together and drink lots of wine and eat good food. It was so much fun, and I brought my good friend Laura as requested. The usual conversations came up and the kid competitions were had and laughed at... All the kids are wonderful, cute, sweet, terrors. I actually find these kid stories to be too hilarious. These people are good loving and caring people. I'm thankful for them every day. Thanks guys for taking good care of me!
Laura and I had plans to go skiing so the following morning we rolled out of my drive way and made our way to Crystal Mountain. Sunday and Monday were days filled with skiing. The unfortunate part was I forgot to charge my camera battery and Laura got just a couple of pictures before the batteries on her camera bailed. The usual hold the camera at arms length and smile. Laura took the one of me above... I think I need to eat a sandwich...
The best part for me was on Sunday, Laura and I put on our skins, plugged in our iPod head phones and trekked up the trail. At some point I took the lead, maybe two miles in or so, and we came into a clearing. Just a bit of snow was falling and I stopped to look back at the view. There was Laura, with her tongue sticking out to catch snowflakes. What-a-dork. This moment though reminds me of how important it is to keep moving into life. Laura has been a bit of a life coach -- though she probably wouldn't agree. I find her to be brave, and often beyond description. That doesn't mean she's "perfect" it just means she is doing what she can to find her way into the life she desires -- and she does it with out stomping on other people to get there. So much learning to be done.
After two days of skiing, I pushed my body a bit further, I went climbing with my friend Amy, and then played soccer later that evening. I pushed my body, and asked it for a bit more. I also respected the limitations, sore muscles, and now am providing rest. I watched a movie. Worked on this blog. Now, I think I'm going to find a burger and some parts to fix a leaky faucet.
Hard work deserves reward. So this is how I'm moving into life. Maybe a bit more selfish or maybe just finding ways to balance what I give of myself. I know that I give without expectations, but when taken advantage of I turn off all support and extras. This brings me to another thought -- I love the work I do.
I have been doing computer things for as long as I could wrap my brain around the concepts. I'd do it even if I wasn't paid. I feel lucky that I have a career that I love. Yet, even as much as I love what I do, I don't want to be tied to the concept of corporate slavery. That seems to be the modus operandi though eh? The -- You do as I say or I will make your life hell -- mentality that I know we've all seen and experienced. I don't share it. I want something more from my corporation. If a corporation is going to have person rights, then they should also have a heart and soul. When the body complains there might be good reason.
So as you move into life remember to say "Thank you," and "You're Welcome." Be appreciative of people who do a bit extra, and don't take advantage of those that give of themselves.
Onward Ho! No -- I'm not calling you a Ho.