Life is Good.
Maybe I am not being clear? We now have a culture of work-aholics and a cash cow culture driving these systems of nothingness. I understand being part of it. I know I like having a house, car, money to buy new climbing and ski gear... but having all that stuff doesn't help if I don't have the time and never get out and enjoy any of it. There is a beautiful world out there and I know without doubt or reservation that living in it is a wonderful experience. And, for many, one that is never tiring.
I hope all of you climbing and ski bums know how lucky you are... And those of you not in the know... A loss of a days wage is nothing compared to never having the experience. If you are someone who is sitting at your desk and wondering how you are going to make ends meet and do your favorite activity I suggest the following (we've all heard this advice before):
1) Eat healthy; if you are going to spend money on something why not on good tasty food?
2) Be OK with stopping. When you have a week of running around and not resting (this includes trying to fit in your fun time) take one day to not run around. Be okay with your mess. You might even find your priorities will shift in what you think you need.
3) and finally an unpaid day outside is always better than a paid day at a desk. You can live without all that kipple piling up in your house... in fact you'll probably be happier without more in general.
On that note, I want to talk about kipple. Kipple was first introduced by Philip K. Dick in his story Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Kipple is a lot like SPAM. It has a way of building up and left unattended can overwhelm you.
As I clean out my home from 10 years of kipple that built up over my marriage (Thanks to Aunt Judy at Dynamic Order for all the hard work) I feel such relief to have it being purged from my life. I can find things all of the sudden. Putting things away has become easy. And that drawer that is overflowing with kipple... gone. I'm trying to move onto better things... getting rid of dead weight... Seriously, a good start!
Cheers to all! May your 2009 be filled with many highs, few lows, lots of smiles and laughter, and great adventures.